Lillington Local History Society was founded in 2009 to promote the study of local history by meeting socially for discussions, talks and visits. The committee and membership has grown considerably since those humble beginnings. The old village of Lillington is a suburb of Royal Leamington Spa comprising mainly housing from the 1930s and the post-war period and it was felt that a knowledge of the history of the area would give its residents a greater sense of “belonging” and pride in the area.
The Society promotes and fosters the distribution of local history material mainly via its Newsletters and website, and encourages research into local stories, encouraging members to contribute, however insignificant they might initially consider it to be. It seeks to maintain contact with other local groups including schools with the objective of encouraging school children to take an interest in the development of their locality; it also maintains close contacts with churches and neighbouring local history groups, in the knowledge that Lillington’s history does not begin and end at its boundaries but merges with its surrounding towns and villages.
We meet at 4.00 pm for 4.30 pm start on the first Friday in each month (except August), unless bank holiday arrangements necessitate a readjustment, at St Mary Magdalene Church, Vicarage Road, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 7RH, when refreshments are served prior to the presentation of varying topics by way of illustrated talks, discussions or displays of photographs or objects. Public meetings are also arranged from time to time.
The Society is a member of the British Association for Local History.
The annual membership subscription is £12.00, or £1.50 payable at each meeting attended. New members are warmly welcomed.
Lillington, mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, lies to the north east of Royal Leamington Spa in Warwickshire. Although in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries much of its former farm land gave way to housing, the village core of church, manor house and manor farm, still remain. Lillington traces its past with pride, including its long association with Kenilworth Abbey, and from the eighteenth century onwards with the Wise and Waller families. James Fish mapped the four common fields in 1713. An original copy of his map still exists in the County Record Office.
We look forward to welcoming you at any up coming talks.